Another way of traveling, another way of feeling
About Us
We are an ecotourism mexican Enterprise that wants to show travelers the Mayan Culture all along its history, its ecosystems, its gastronomy and its communities. Our objective is that our visitors get to know and feel the mayan cultural inheritance through life experiences that will leave them a wonderful memory.
With our project we are trying that the communities can also have a source of incomes, that can allow youngsters to train themselves and have a working alternative; as well as trying to make their activity a professional one. In this way, we are fostering different forms of life through a low impact tourism that helps to keep their natural ecosystems.
It is due to the above mentioned that our groups are just of 10 persons, and we also work in policies that reduce plastic consumption and the generation of residues at the communities that we visit. Latitud Maya is open to offer customized experiences to those groups that want to know more of our culture, as well as giving complementary information in those topics in which you are interested.
Just ask us and we will try to please all of your expectations.
The Place
The antique name of the site is unknown; in english it was named Cohume Ridge, “Slope covered by corozos”. Victor Segavia, the archaeologist that discovered and explored it, transcribed Cohume Ridge for Kohumrich; and after this name was transformed in Kohunlich.
The archaeological zone of Calakmul qualified as Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2002, is the second natural bigger lung of the american continent and the bigger tropical jungle of Mexico, it has 723 hectares, where 38 mayan architectural centers are located.
Archaeological Area El Hormiguero Campeche, the city that has the entrance to the mayan underworld and a cultural richness. Its name comes from a camp of the chicle-extractors that existed near the archaeological remains at the decade of the 30, of the past century.

The name of the site can be translated as “The house of the serpent´s mouth: chi “mouth” can, “serpent” and ná, “house”. The site is a good example of the fusion of two important mayan architectural styles
Becan is a word of the yucatecan mayan language that means “Ravin or canyon formed by water, such a meaning points out clearly an important characteristic of the place. Becán is one of the few precolombian settlements in which still nowadays you can appreciate a defensive pit and a wall.
Through its water more than five centuries ago, aproximately, the devastating plunder of precious woods was carried out; and also in its own time the smuggling of weapons was done with which the mayans fought against the mexican government during the castes´ war.

Balamku means in Mayan “jaguar temple” (balam, jaguar; kú, temple), due to the image of one of these animals embodied in the frieze of Substructure l-A. The area is made up of three architectural groups: the South, the Central and the North and the South Group.
Originally named Tzi¬banche, “wood writing”, from a wooden lintel located in Structure VII that contains a hieroglyphic inscription, is a first-order site, it is from the early classic, that Dzibanche becomes a great city and the development of the great constructive projects that can be seen today begins.
(Coming soon it is not yet open to the public)
The archaeological site of Xcabal, discovered more than a decade ago in the south of Quintana Roo, in the municipality of Bacalar, was one of the most important Mayan eras, even the structures and bases of its pyramids, are more than 40 meters high and 200 meters at the pyramid base, which will exceed the size of those of Chichen Itza & Uxmal , in Yucatan, so it would be of historical importance to the culture of that state.
We have two accommodations in the State of Campeche, simple but cozy spaces, where you will rest and relax and also observe how life in these peaceful local communities is. You are going to be able to walk in their streets and at night you will enjoy a delicious dinner before going to sleep.